God’s original design for your pregnancy and childbirth

Birth With Joy is full of Biblical teaching + a 31 Day devotional, with scriptures, prayers, confessions and practical tips that will help you to have a peaceful and joyful childbirth.

“For too long pregnancy & childbirth have been categorized as something to be dreaded and feared.

I wrote this book to change the narrative for you! My prayer is that as you read this book God’s Word will come alive in your heart. Your perspective and experience of becoming a mother will change completely.

A peaceful and joyful pregnancy and childbirth belong to you. God desires to make you a joyful mother of children. I can’t wait to hear your testimony!”

- Christa Jooste

Meet - Birth With Joy author, Christa.

Christa’s passion is to see women’s hearts revived and come alive to what God’s Word says about pregnancy and childbirth. She and her husband Ryan have two wonderful boys Luke and Levi. They serve in full-time ministry as Associate Pastors at The River at Tampa Bay Church in Tampa, Florida, under the direction of Dr’s. Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne. They have a passion to take a flame to the nations of the world to see many souls saved, and lives touched and changed by the power of God.

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